The late Ebony Reigns’ father, Nana Opoku Kwarteng (aka Starboy Kwarteng), was with his daughter’s grave to mark 5 years since her death.
Ebony Reigns, an aspiring musician, tragically died in a car crash on February 8, 2018, along with two others while returning from the Bono area.
Her immediate family visited her grave yesterday to celebrate her fifth birthday and perform rituals for her.
His father, who is clearly distraught, can be seen in a shaky mood as he calls upon the fiery spirit of Ebony Reigns to deal with his killers.
READ ALSO: Ebony Reigns Biography; Age, Career, Parents, Awards, Net worth, Death
Nana Opoku Kwarteng has always maintained that her daughter’s death was predestined by some people who deeply hated her and wanted her not to live.
The video of the grave shows a rather self-sufficient father calling on his daughter to take revenge on those who killed her and sever her dreams.
After 5 years, the memory of Ebony Reings is still alive with many, though interest has faded and some others have moved in.
Watch the video below;
"Deal with your killers" – Ebony Reigns' father performs incantations at graveside
— GHPage (@ghpage_com) February 9, 2023