In the farming community of Agou, located in the Nkwanta South of the Oti Region, no fewer than twenty-two people have been admitted to hospitals after eating food that was provided to them at a funeral.
The victims of what is thought to be food poisoning experienced acute diarrhoea as well as other symptoms after eating at a funeral on Sunday morning, according to
According to the news website, nine of them are also being admitted at the Nkwanta St. Joseph Catholic Hospital, while 13 of them have been admitted to Nkwanta South Municipal.
The patients came to his hospital complaining of vomiting and severe diarrhea, according to Dr. Theophilus Amoatey, the medical superintendent of Nkwanta Municipal Hospital. He did, however, add that the medicine was working well.
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According to David Amenudzi, a nursing officer, and his coworkers at St. Joseph Catholic Hospital, the patients had less serious conditions when they were admitted.
There are conflicting accounts of what the funeral attendees who became the victims of the suspected food poisoning actually consumed.
Some of the patients and their relatives told Adom News that they only consumed rice, banku, and meat, contrary to some reports that claim they were also given porridge, rice, meat, and pito, a locally brewed beverage made from wheat and maize.
According to Dr. Theophilus Amoatey, samples have been sent to a lab for analysis while a disease control management team has been sent out into the community to conduct a thorough investigation into the development.